Smart Smiles

Smart Smiles

Educators! The mouth is the gateway to the body and keeping it clean and healthy helps prevent bigger issues, like cavities, that may affect other conditions. Teaching good oral health habits early is one way you can help! The Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation provides several resources below to help make it possible to provide important oral health lessons to your students:

  • Smart Smiles is the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation's oral health curriculum for grades K-5. There are videos, worksheets and lessons tied specifically to Virginia SOLs available on this page below. You can teach all of the lessons or pull from the ones that you think would interest your students the most.
  • The Delta Dental Institute has partnered with PBS Kids to provide a website with additional dental health resources. To help you quickly locate resources that align with Virginia's SOLs on this website, we have created the Dental Health Resource Guide that offers 5-10 lessons per grade (K-5).

Free Oral Health Supplies*

Thank you for your interest in Children's Oral Health. We have a limited number of supplies available annually and we have cleaned out our available inventory for 2025. Check back in 2026 for another chance to order free oral health supplies.

Oral Health Supplies include:
  • toothbrushes
  • toothpaste
  • floss
For questions about supply orders, email Polly Raible at or Lauren Stoughton at
*While supplies last.

The curriculum

The interactive curriculum is separated into two grade levels (K-2 and 3-5) and contains 11 lessons. Each lesson includes the objectives, the Virginia Health Education Standards of Learning (SOLs) that are covered, class discussion points, a video and suggested activities. Lessons address the importance of oral health to a child's overall health, the impact of nutrition on teeth and proper oral hygiene, and brushing and flossing techniques. 

Grades K-2

  • Six lessons that can be taught as a unit or single lessons
  • Classroom activities
  • A daily brushing and flossing chart
  • Take-home educational materials, including dental emergency first aid kit
Get K-2 curriculum

Grades 3-5

  • Five more advanced lessons that can be taught as a unit or single lessons
  • A daily brushing and flossing chart
  • Fun activity sheets, including a board game and MyPlate activity
  • Two science experiments to demonstrate how cavities are formed and the importance of fluoride for strong teeth
  • Reading food labels to make smart food choices
Get 3-5 curriculum
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Everyone deserves a healthy smile.

A healthy smile is a powerful thing. That's why the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation is committed to improving the oral health of all Virginians.

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